The 6th Commandment was designed as a top down survival horror where the player, with an extremely narrow field of vision, fights their way through an array of maps – blasting holes in the zombie horde at every turn.
Rappeor, The producers of “6th Commandment”, required an ambient, dark and evolving soundscape that featured musical overtones similar to Danny Boyle’s hit movie 28 Days Later, which has similar narrative themes to the game. Rappeor were also looking for a soundtrack that sounded “similar” to Valve’s hit “Left 4 Dead” series in order to give 6th Commandment a high-quality, AAA like feel for the player.
The soundtrack for 6th Commandment utilised a “leitmotif”, a reoccurring theme that was used to personify the presence of the Zombie horde. This motif was featured in different styles and time signatures , constantly keeping the user off-balance and in suspense while delivering a familiar theme – The player worked their way through the game listening to a “known-unknown”.